Prepare for MSHA’s New Silica Dust Regulations | Guide by DSI

How Can Mines Prepare for the New MSHA Silica Dust Regulations? A Comprehensive Guide by Dust Solutions Incorporated (DSI)

 The Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has been steadfast in its commitment to improve the health and safety of miners. With new silica dust regulations on the horizon, mining companies are faced with the task of preparing their operations to meet these new standards. At Dust Solutions Incorporated (DSI), we understand the complexities involved in this transition, and we’re here to guide you through the process. This article will delve into the steps mining companies can take to prepare for the new regulations, and how DSI solutions can make this transition smoother.

Understanding the New Regulations

Before diving into preparations, it’s crucial to understand what the new regulations entail. The MSHA has proposed stricter permissible exposure limits (PELs) for silica dust, along with enhanced enforcement programs and safety initiatives. For a detailed breakdown of the new MSHA standards, you can read our article on What are the new MSHA standards for silica dust exposure?

Steps to Prepare for the New Regulations

Conduct a Risk Assessment

 The first step in preparing for the new regulations is to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment. This involves identifying areas where silica dust exposure is a concern and evaluating current control measures.

Develop an Action Plan

Based on the risk assessment, develop an action plan that outlines the steps needed to comply with the new regulations. This should include both engineering and administrative controls.

Implement Engineering Controls

Engineering controls are physical changes to the work environment that reduce exposure to silica dust. At DSI, we offer a range of solutions designed to meet these needs:

  • Dry Fog Solutions: Our Dry Fog technology captures and suppresses dust particles, preventing them from becoming airborne.
  • Wind Fence: Our Wind Fence technology is designed to reduce dust generation from stockpiles and open areas.
  • NESCO Solutions: Our NESCO solutions include High-Pressure Spray Systems that capture dust particles and settle them before they can spread.

For more information on the engineering controls required under the new MSHA silica dust rule, you can read our article on What engineering controls are required under the new MSHA silica dust rule? Or contact us for more information on our Silica Dust Mitigation solutions.

Implement Administrative Controls

Administrative controls involve changes in work procedures such as scheduling, worker rotation, and training. Make sure your employees are educated about the risks associated with silica dust and the importance of using protective equipment.

Monitor and Review

Regular monitoring is essential to ensure that the implemented controls are effective. This includes air quality monitoring and health screenings for workers.

Financial Preparations

Budgeting for the new changes is crucial. This includes the cost of new equipment, training programs, and potential operational disruptions during the implementation phase.

Regulatory Updates

Stay updated with any changes in the regulations. The MSHA has extended the comment period for the proposed changes, which means there could be additional provisions or adjustments based on public and industry feedback.

How DSI Can Help

At DSI, we’re more than just a solutions provider; we’re your partner in ensuring a safer and more compliant mining operation. Our team is available for consultations, helping you choose the most effective solutions for your specific needs. We also offer periodic reviews to ensure that our solutions are effectively helping you maintain compliance.


Preparing for the new MSHA silica dust regulations may seem like a daunting task, but with proper planning and the right solutions, it’s entirely manageable. At DSI, we’re committed to helping you navigate these changes effectively, offering state-of-the-art solutions that not only help you comply with the new standards but also create a safer work environment.